Recruiting Agent
Disposable Nursing Products, Limb Holders, etc.Target Country: India Korea Russia
Inquiry: 0
Post Date: 2017-03-18
Valid to: 2017-06-30
We're an Italian company offering disposable nursing products, limb holders, etc. Currently, we're looking for global importers and distributors. If you're interested, please contact us directly. Thank you.
Recruiting Agent
Disposable ProductsTarget Country: Italy
Inquiry: 0
Post Date: 2017-03-08
Valid to: 2017-05-31
RIMOS is the first company in the world to design, manufacture and sell disposable multi-injectors for mesotherapy. Rimos has developed a range of mesotherapy products which are distributed both nationwide and internationally. We now want to find agents in the Middle East and expand our distribution circle in that region. Please contact us if you're interested.